Regional Service Through Unity...Meeting our Region's Needs Today and Tomorrow

NTMWD Performs Safety Training to Support First Responders

October 1, 2020

September was Emergency Preparedness Month, but NTMWD operations staff conduct emergency response training year-round. This often involves collaborating with local first responders to familiarize them with NTMWD facilities and prepare for a joint response to emergencies.

The City of Plano Fire Department recently partnered with NTMWD on simulated rescue operations at the White Rock Creek Wastewater Lift Station in Plano. As part of the training exercises, fire personnel practiced lowering down into a confined space and rescuing two unresponsive workers (mannequins). This type of training is crucial because it offers fire crews an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the layout of District facilities and sharpen their skills on confined space and high-angle rescues.

After several months of training, NTMWD water and wastewater operators, along with the safety team, recently obtained the certifications and equipment to assist local first responders in the event of a chemical release emergency. This chemical hazardous readiness program will enhance our ability to respond more quickly and safely either independently or in coordination with first responders. Team members completed a rigorous 40-hour initial training over the course of a year and are required to meet ongoing certification standards.

See some images below from the various training sessions.